Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Domestic Violence - 1134 Words

Domestic violence has gotten so bad now that it is recognized as a national health problem (Yonaka, L, et al.). Statistics done by the Bureau of Justice between the years 2001 and 2005 showed that about 511,000 violent assaults were made against women, and about 105,00 against men by their spouse or partner, half resulting in physical injury. In another statistic, about one in six pregnant women were reported for domestic violence cases (â€Å"Screening for Abuse May Be Key to Ending It.†). The affects that the domestic violence had in the health of the fetus was that the baby had a delay in prenatal care, and the risk for low birth weight had gone up. Another thing that came into play here was the maternal weight gain The woman been abused did†¦show more content†¦The reporting could also trouble a victim who already had a safety plan established. This could cause the victim to escape before planned and could increase the possibility of injuries (The Florida Bar). One positive thing about mandatory reporting laws is that they can increase the detection and documentation of the abuse done to the victim. It can also help the investigation of the perpetrator (Sachs, Carolyn J.). It can improve the data evidence on domestic violence as well. Also, knowing about the domestic abuse a patient is going through can help his/her doctor find better ways to assist the patient. Mandatory reporting can hold the perpetrator responsible for the injuries of the victim, but then again it could make matters worse for the victim (â€Å"HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). One of the best ways a doctor could find out if the victim is going through domestic abuse would be through screening (â€Å"HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS...†). There are two ways of screening a victim: individualized and general. Other ways would be through the documentation of the domestic abuse. Writing a very detailed and accurate report is one of the main things that could help women in a court hearing if the case does indeed go to court; not to mention that pictures are also vital (Isaa, Nancy E., and V P. Enos). Doctors could refer the victims to help within the community, and also they should keep their patients information private monitoring who has control over his/her filesShow MoreRelatedDomestic violence1229 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft â€Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.† (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. ThisRead MoreDomestic Violence1340 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, d epressionRead MoreDomestic Violence2691 Words   |  11 Pagestowards domestic violence have changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities. The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic and family violence. The legal definition of domestic violence is outlinedRead MoreDomestic Violence1120 Words   |  5 Pagesstatements that one hears when discussing domestic violence. When video broke of NFL player Ray Rice, hitting and knocking out his then girlfriend Janay, those were the types of questions that erupted on social media. Instead the question should have been, â€Å"Why did he hit her?†, â€Å"Why didn’t he show any emotion or remorse?† â€Å"What is wrong with him?† This is known as victim blaming, and it is unfortunately all too prevalent in our society today. Domestic violence is a dirty little secret that no one wantsRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay1365 Words   |  6 Pagesover 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beat en by her domestic partner† (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. EveryRead MoreDomestic Violence And Public Violence Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pagesmillion people in the United States are affected by domestic violence. There are 8.8 million children who will witness domestic violence. Half of all victims of domestic violence will also experience the unimaginable pain of their child/children being abused alongside them. The fact is, domestic violence will affect or touch every person in their lifetime (Pence McMahon, 1999). There are many ground-breaking advocates of reducing domestic violence, though one stands out above the others. 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At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may know domestic violence doesn’t always start off as violence it starts off as in the form of love. The abuser feels asRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence1380 Words   |  6 Pagesobject to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent†, quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. Violence is defined as an unjust or unwarranted exertion of power or force to intentionally injure, damage, or destroy something or someone. Amongst the various types of violence, there is one in particular that has been causing an ongoing debate within societies across the world; this certain type of violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence, alsoRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1535 Words   |  7 Pageslifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violence

Monday, December 23, 2019

A Study On The Mental Health Status - 2020 Words

A STUDY ON THE MENTAL HEALTH STATUS OF GYM GOING AND NON GOING STUDENTS *Zamirullah Khan, *Shailendra Pratap Singh ** Naseem Ahmed Abstract: The significance of various forms of physical activity and exercise for the enhancement of health in general and mental health in particular is so distinct. Keeping this in mind the present study aims to compare â€Å"mental health status† of gym going (GG) and non gym going (NGG) students. Fifty students (25 GG and 25 NGG) of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh were taken as the subjects of the study. The age of the subjects ranged from 17-24 years. GG and NGG students were those who are studying in undergraduate course at AMU, Aligarh. The mental health status of the subjects was measured by using Mental health checklist (MHC) constructed by Kumar (1992). The t test was used to compare the mean score of GG students and NGG students. The result of the study indicated that significant difference exists between GG students and NGG students at 0.05 level of significance. Keywords: Gym going students, non gym going students, mental health. Introduction The mental health describes a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder. In recent years clinical psychologists as well as educationists have started giving proper attention to the study of mental health. However, in India, relatively very little work has been conducted (Gahlawat,Show MoreRelatedThis Study Was Examined Way Back Since The Mid-1800S. Many1309 Words   |  6 PagesThis study was examined way back since the mid-1800s. Many researchers wanted to know about interest in the mental health status of those African Americans. However, wanted to tell you about the understanding of Black African Americans and Mental Health Status of complexities and new developments. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Animal Mitochondrial Genome Free Essays

One of the most essential organelles in the animal cell is the mitochondrion, as it is not only the center of ATP production, it also have a phylogenetic value that reveals taxonomic relationships among organisms. These are rod-shaped organelles convert oxygen and glucose into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), otherwise known as the chemical energy â€Å"currency† of the cell that powers the cell’s metabolic activities. This kind of respiration is termed aerobic and it supplies energy to most cellular activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Animal Mitochondrial Genome or any similar topic only for you Order Now This mode of respiration is more efficient than in the absence of oxygen as anaerobic respiration can only produce two ATPs, as opposed to the 36-38 ATPs produced by the aerobic mode. This is why higher life forms are adapted to utilize oxygen for their ATP production (Davidson, 2004). Mitochondria are hypothesized by scientist to have evolved from a symbiotic relationship between aerobic bacteria and primordial eukaryotic cells (Wallace, 2005), otherwise known as the endosymbiont theory. It functions in common physiological processes such as metabolism, apoptosis, disease, and aging. Being the primary site where oxidative phosphorylation occurs, these double-membrane organelles are efficient in aerobic respiration which allows eukaryotic cells to generate the necessary amount of ATP (Chan, 2006). The mitochondrion maintains its own set of genes although most of its proteins (about 900) are synthesized within and imported from the nuclear genome necessary for its respiratory function (Wallace, 2005).The genome contained by this subcellular organelle separate from the nuclear chromatin is otherwise referred to as the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Particularly in animals, mtDNAs commonly have a closed-circular molecule, with the exception of certain classes containing linear mtDNA chromosomes (Boore, 1998). These extrachromosomal genomes contain 37 genes composed of 13 protein subunits for enzymes coding for oxidative phosphorylation, two ribosomal RNAs of mitochondrial ribosome, and 22 tRNAs for protein translation. Together with proteins and RNAS synthesized in the cytoplasm, products of these 37 genes allow the mitochondrion to possess its own system facilitating DNA transcription, translation, mRNA processing and protein translation. This circular genome is comprised of a mixture of covalently closed circular monomers and different amounts of concatenated dimers and higher oligomers (Burger et al., 2002). Genes contained in the animal mitochondrion are usually encoded on both strands. The H-strand, or the heavy strand, and the L-strand, or the light strand, are these two mentioned strands that comprise the genome. Their names are derived from their molecular weight differences caused by their varying base compositions. 12 out of the 13 protein coding genes comprise the H-strand while only the single gene left belongs to the L-strand. The genome also contains noncoding regions which are restricted to certain areas known as the D-Loop (Shadel and Clayton 1997). These two strands, the H-strand and the L-strand, originated within the D-Loop, or the displacement loop, region and within a cluster of five tRNA genes respectively. The entire replication process only commences in the initiation of the H-strand synthesis, while the L-strand lags behind. The L-strand synthesis can only begin when two-thirds of the H-strand synthesis across the circular genome is already completed. Therefore, only in the intiation of H-strand synthesis can mtDNA start replicating. Aside from its mentioned function, the D-Loop region is also the location of two transcriptional promoters (HSP and LSP), one for each strand of mtDNA. Synthesis of polycistronic transcripts for the expression of the majority or all of the genes encoded in each strand are directed by these promoters (Chang and Clayton, 1985). Scientists have speculated that the mitochondria are derived from eubacterial endosymbionts. This is due to the possession of mitochondria their own genetic material (DNA) and their own system for genetic expression. Although mitochondria are contained in species belognoing to different kingdoms, they offer considerable differences and even reveal phylogenetic relationships and distances. There are characteristic variations among the three major kingdoms Animalia, Eukaryomycota, and Plantae (including protests). Among animals, their mitochondrial genome is relatively small, having an approximate measurement between 16 and 19 kb, and are compactly arranged as they lack introns or spacer regions. Fungal mtDNAs are considerably larger that animal mtDNAs. Their size is within the range of 17-176 kb and they encode more gene sequences than those of animals. It can be observed that the size range is quite vast, reflecting great variations in genome size. This is not due to coding capacities, instead it can be attributed to the presence of varying sizes of introns and spacer regions. In the case of plants, the genome size range is even more variable as it spans 16 to 2400 kb. Its mtDNA is distinctly characterized by a wide variety of gene content and molecular structure, and the variation of the length of spacer regions and introns (Ohta et al., 1998). One of the most extensively studied group are those of the protists. Their mtDNAs are considered intermediate in size with a measurement range of 6 to 77 kb. Most of protist genomes are compact having little or no non-coding regions. Although present, intergenic spacers are sparse and are generally small, with some coding regions overlapping. There is an general high concentration of Adenine and Thymine that are particularly elevated in non-coding intergenic regions (Gray et al., 1997). Mitochondrial genome composition in vertebrates predominantly includes a standard set of genes coding for 13 inner mitochondrial membrane proteins for electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation functions. Included genes for this function are nad1-6 and 4L, cob, cox1-3 and atp6 and 8. Genes for both large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) rRNAs are also contained within the animal mitochondrial genome. The mentioned set of mtDNA-encoded genes (plus atp9) is also found in fungal organisms such as Allomyces macrogynus mtDNAs. However, particular ascomycete fungi such as Schizosaccharomyces pombe lack all nad genes. Both animal and fungal mtDNAs do not encode a 5S rRNA nor, with the exception of rps3 in A. macrogynus mtDNA, do they carry any ribosomal protein genes. Terrestrial plants contain mitochondrial genomes with a few extra respiratory chain protein genes such as nad9 and atp1 in M.polymorpha. But the most distinct variation of the plant mtDNA from the animal and fungal mtDNAs is the presence of both the 5S rRNA (Gray et al., 1997). Animal mtDNA sequences are found to evolve rapidly however they maintain their genetic arrangements for long periods of evolutionary time. A notable example is the identical arrangement of humans and trouts. Although there are few exceptions, gene arrangements are considered stable within major taxonomic groups but are variable between them. We can potentially utilize these data comparisons in reconciling phylogenetic conflicts. Greater differences would entail divergence among the taxa. Comparisons of mitochondrial gene arrangements have provided convincing phylogenies in several cases where all other data were equivocal, including the relationships among major groups of echinoderms and arthropods (Burger et al., 2002). Although studies in mitochondrial genomes of different taxonomic groups are still inconclusive, it still holds a large potential in revolutionizing the taxonomic field. It has opened avenue for prospective discoveries on the currently unknown areas of biological sciences. Therefore, mitochondrial genome research studies are yet to reach their pinnacle and would surely still be an essential focus of phylogenetic sciences. Bibliography Boore, J.L. (1998) Animal Mitochondrial Genomes. Nucleic Acids Research. 27 (8), 1999, pp. 1767-1780. Burger, G., Forget, L., Zhu, Y., Gray, M.W., and Lang, B.F. (2002) Unique mitochondrial genome architecture in unicellular relatives of animals. PNAS, 100 (3), 04 February, pp. 892-897. Chan, D.C. (2006) Mitochondria: Dynamic Organelles in Disease, Aging, and Development. Cell. No. 125, 30 June, pp. 1241-1252. Chang, D. and Clayton, D. (1985) Priming of human mitochondrial DNA replication occurs at the light-strand promoter. Biochemistry. Vol. 82, January, pp. 351-355. Davidson, M. (2004) Mitochondria [Internet], Florida State University. Available from: ;http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/mitochondria/mitochondria.html; Gray, M., Lang, B.F., Cedergren, R., Golding, G.B., Lemieux, Sankoff, C.D., Turmel, M., Brossard, N., Delage, E., Littlejohn, T.G., Plante, I., Rioux, P., Saint-Louis, D., Zhu, Y. and Burger, G. (1997) Genome structure and gene content in protest mitochondrial DNAs. Nucleic Acids Research. 26 (4), 1998, pp. 865-878. Ohta, N., Sato, N., and Kuroiwa, T. (1998) Structure and Organization fo the Mitochondrial Genome of the Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae Deduced from the Complete Nucleotide Sequence. Nucleic Acids Research. 26 (22), 24 September, pp. 5190-5198. Shadel, G. S., and D. A. Clayton. (1997) Mitochondrial DNA maintenance in vertebrates. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 66:409–435. Wallace, D.C. (2005). A mitochondrial paradigm of metabolic and degenerative diseases,  aging, and cancer: A dawn for evolutionary medicine. Annu Rev Genet. 39, pp. 359–407 How to cite Animal Mitochondrial Genome, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Web Designing Task Designs and Think-Aloud

Question: Discuss about the case study Web Designing for Task Designs and Think-Aloud. Answer: Introduction: The Pine-Sol website, designed mainly for the desktop computer, have been developed to be manipulated using a pointing device, such as a mouse. In HTML5 and CSS3, this allows the pointer to hover over a particular element. This allows the item to be highlighted without triggering or activating it. However, hovering is an interaction style used mainly for pointing devices. It does not work well on mobile devices that do not use a pointing device (Silver 2013). The hover system is work on the mobile device. Mainly most of the mobile device is not use the pointing device. For the mobile device, one alternative solution is used that is the tooltip. The tooltip is used mainly in the pointing device (Frain 2012). The tooltip performs in the mobile device and provides the same experience like hover technology. When a user operates the website via their mobile, the tool tip provides small popup box which contains the detail of this point. This is the primary purpose of using the tooltip. According to Davis, Leak and Jiang (2014), the two most widely known techniques that are utilized for evaluating websites are the Hallway Testing method and the Heuristic Evaluations. The author is of the opinion that the Hallway Testing method takes an account of the elements that an user would require to click on so as to conduct the intended action, with the aim of evaluating the extent to which the users feel comfortable while navigating through the website. Researchers Lynch, Schwerha, and Johanson (2013) emphasize on the fact that Hallway Testing method can be efficiently used while testing a website for the very first time. On the other hand, the heuristic usability evaluations method is essentially utilized by IT personnel having expertise in the domain of interface designing: usability tests utilizing heuristic usability evaluation methods require experts to review the website under consideration with the purpose of comparing the same with the usability aspects considered acceptable by industry standards (AlRoobaea, Al-Badi, and Mayhew 2013). In the following section of the paper, the results of usability tests conducted on the Pine-Sol website : the results of the Hallway Testing method would shed some light o the ease of use of the said website whereas, that of the Heuristic Evaluations would highlight the usability issues of the web pages. Hallway Testing: The following information was revealed while conducting the hallway testing methods: Images of various Pine-sol products were hosted on the home page of the website, along with text boxes containing several other information: clicking on these images (and text boxes) revealed information regarding the item being clicked on (Wang et al. 2015). While enlisting all the products of the organization on the home page allows the users to find the products at a go, finding any specific information from the website becomes difficult. The developers have made an attempt to discourage the users from clicking on the website: however, once the directional arrow heads are clicked, auto-scrolling starts in the intended direction which does not stop until and unless the mouse pointer is clicked at the center of the page (Silver 2013). Thus, it can be said that the website has still not become click free. The zoom in and zoom out option are not available: However, such features are widely used by aged and disabled persons, and the absence of these features would discourage such users from browsing the website. Heuristic Evaluations: Conducting the heuristic evaluation tests on the official website of Pine Sol revealed the following usability issues: The zooming feature has been disabled on this particular website: restricting this feature would essentially discourage the aged and/ or customers having poor eyesight from utilizing the site. The scrolling system utilized by the developers does not function appropriately: an attempt was made to make the website click free, yet clicking is required to stop the continuous scrolling of the website on one particular direction (Burke 2013). The heuristic evaluation of the website revealed that pages lack responsiveness. The following improvements can be included in the website: 1. All information regarding the products of the organization need to be hosted on a page separate from the one which holds other notices/ offers, such that the users can easily find out the items being searched for. 2. The addition of horizontal and vertical scroll bars should be included : the inclusion of these features would facilitate the process of enhancing the ease of use of the customers (Burjek 2013). Besides this, the inclusion of the scroll bars would also allow the potential customers to gather information about the various products developed by Pine-Sol as they scroll down the pages. 3. It was observed that in order to gain a complete over-view of all the products and information provided on the webpage, the users require to scroll through a couple of page in both horizontal and vertical directions (Frain 2012). Thus, it is being recommended to the developers of the site to make the pages responsive such that the pages fit automatically in the device being used to browse the site. 4. The zoom in features should be included in the website, such that the users having poor eye sights can use the site easily. Figure1: Paper based Prototype (Source: Created by author) Figure 2: Paper based Prototype for mobile (Source: Created by author) References AlRoobaea, R., Al-Badi, A.H. and Mayhew, P.J., 2013. The Impact of the Combination between Task Designs and Think-Aloud Approaches on Website Evaluation. Journal of Software and Systems Development, 2013, p.1. Burjek, J., 2013. Responsive web design (Doctoral dissertation, Veleu ilite u Varadinu, Veleu ilite u Varadinu). Burke, K., 2013. Using Responsive Web Design for Better SEO. Davis, D., Leak, O. and Jiang, S., 2014. Usability Evaluation of Engineering Research Center for Compact Efficient Fluid Power Website. Advances in Ergonomics In Design, Usability Special Populations: Part II, 17, p.416. Frain, B., 2012. Responsive web design with HTML5 and CSS3. Packt Publishing Ltd. Lynch, K.R., Schwerha, D.J. and Johanson, G.A., 2013. Development of a weighted heuristic for website evaluation for older adults. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 29(6), pp.404-418. Silver, M., 2013. Exploring interface design. Cengage Learning. Wang, L., Law, R., Guillet, B.D., Hung, K. and Fong, D.K.C., 2015. Impact of hotel website quality on online booking intentions: eTrust as a mediator. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 47, pp.108-115.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Leadership Styles in Nursing free essay sample

Managers with leadership styles that seek and value contributions from staff, promote a climate in which information is shared effectively, promote decision making at the staff nurse level, exert position power, and influence coordination of work to provide a milieu that maintains a stable cadre of nurses. This statement describes the large impact a leadership style can make on the work environment, and the morale of the team. In nursing history, several theories and leadership styles have been explored. This paper will discuss: the importance of leadership in nursing, the authoritarian and democratic leadership styles, how they can be implemented in practice, and how they can either help or hinder professional nursing practice. Review of Professional Nursing Literature The importance of leadership in nursing is continuing to present itself time and again, especially as technology improves, and healthcare changes and evolves. What is unique about leadership in nursing is that nurses as leaders have the ability to impact and improve practice (Curtis, De Vries Sheerin, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership Styles in Nursing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition to leadership being an important component to the nurse’s role, leadership style also has been found to have a significant impact on nurse’s objective to remain on particular unit (Boyle, Bott, Hansen, Woods Taunton, 2009). The paper next describes two leadership styles that may be implemented in practice. The authoritarian leadership style has been compared with a dictatorship, meaning that one person has the authority over the employees. This type of leader is often the one in charge of making the plans for the whole group or unit, and the employees or subordinates are expected to carry out the plan according to that leader. Authoritarian leadership style promotes a one-sided conversation which can restrict the creative and leadership skills of the employees (Boyle, Bott, Hansen, Woods Taunton, 2009). Often times an authoritarian leader has full control of those around them, and believes to have complete authority to treat them as they want. An authoritarian leader would provide instructions without looking for inputs and superintend his or her nurses in a close manner. However, problems may arise if a nurse must wait for the managers decision or direction before taking action regarding a patient. Although the authoritarian leadership style can be viewed as undesirable, it has proved to be very efficient in emergent and stressful situations. One of the key benefits of authoritarian leadership is the fact that decision making becomes much more simple and fast, as the leader doesnt have to consult or convince anybody. Basically authoritarian leadership can work wonders for the organization when decision making has to be quick and during some crisis. In a democratic leadership style, the decision making process and overall responsibility among team members is shared. Decisions are made by the leader consulting each member of the team; therefore the outcome becomes a group effort. In the democratic leadership style, tasks are delegated to employees effectively, where the implementation is mostly in their hands. As opposed to the authoritarian leadership style, the democratic leader welcomes feedback from every team member. Team members are also encouraged to function as a leader in terms of decision-making and execution of decisions (VESTERINEN, ISOLA PAASIVAARA, 2009). The democratic leadership style enforces a work environment where everyone is allowed to contribute to the decision-making process. This not only gives a certain amount of importance and authority to the team members, but also makes them more responsible as the burden of executing the choices they have made rests on their own shoulder. Involving more members in the decision-making process enables the team to reach to best solution possible. The variety of viewpoints allows the team to deal with every challenge after analyzing each perspective, and provide solutions in the same manner. By allowing everyone to be a part of the process, this leadership style permits creativity. Since everyone is given equal opportunity, a conflict of interest is less likely when this leadership style is implemented. While this type of leadership style values the input of the entire staff, there may not always be time to form a majority opinion when a patients health, or life, depends on fast action. Application of Clinical Example It is appropriate to use the authoritarian leadership style only when decisions have to be made quickly, when theres no need for input, when team agreement isnt necessary for a successful outcome, or when the job to be done is routine and unskilled. This leadership style could be implemented into practice in situations such as a code, when a patient is crashing, or if a disaster had taken place. This type of leadership style would often be appropriate in an urgent care unit, but could likely be used in many areas of nursing where emergencies arise. A specific example of this could be: a middle-aged male enters the emergency room with moderate chest pain. As you begin performing your assessment on him, he suddenly grabs his chest and begins gasping for air. As you have him connected to the vitals monitor you observe that his blood pressure and oxygen saturation begin dropping. At this point the authoritarian leader would take charge and call for immediate assistance. The authoritarian leader would begin delegating tasks to the other nurses and assistive personnel such as: placing oxygen on the patient, and assessing for breath sounds and pulse, and level of consciousness. The staff would continue to carry out the plan of action according to the leader. This situation describes an appropriate scenario of when the authoritarian approach is necessary and beneficial. In an acute situation as this, there is no time to debate the decision-making process. There needs to be one leader who decides the plan of action, and the others need to follow. The authoritarian style versus the democratic style would likely same many lives in these types of scenarios. As the advantages of the authoritarian leadership style have been described is it clear how that style of leadership can benefit nursing practice. However, this type of leadership can also diminish nursing practice. Authoritarian leadership can be detrimental because it often does not allow for open communication and socialization. Employees working under an authoritarian leader may not feel heard, or that their input matters. This can lead to employee dissatisfaction and increased employee turnover (Curtis, De Vries Sheerin, 2011). Particular traits and characteristics that have been shown to enhance leadership rather than diminish it include: sincerity, self-confidence and motivation to manage (Curtis, De Vries Sheerin, 2011). In all professions especially nursing, it is important to create a work environment where employees feel valued and supported. Conclusion Leadership is vital in almost every aspect of life. From the field of education, to a corporate environment, to that of a hospital, and even in a household, the kind of leadership style that is prevalent defines the course of action for the members of the organization (Curtis, De Vries Sheerin, 2011). In the nursing profession several styles of leadership can be used, all having their own advantages and disadvantages. As discussed, in a time of crisis when quick decisions must be made, an authoritarian approach may be most useful. While when deciding the best strategies decrease the occurrence of nosocomial infections, a democratic leadership style may prove to have the most success. The key to enhancing the nursing profession may then therefore be not just finding right leadership style to use, but the appropriate time to use each style.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Worlds Funniest Dinosaur Jokes

The Worlds Funniest Dinosaur Jokes Dinosaurs have been the subjects of many serious movies, from King Kong in 1933 and its remakes, through animations such as The Land Before Time series, and on to later special-effects-laden extravaganzas including the Jurassic Park/World features. They are the focus of serious-minded research conducted in natural history museums and universities throughout the world. But dinosaurs have long been the focus of humor, including a bevy of jokes at the expense of these long-gone beasts, which roamed the earth millions of years ago. Here, then, is a crop of  the funniest jokes involving the  terrible lizards, better known as dinosaurs: Why do museums have old dinosaur bones?Because they cant afford new ones! What does a triceratops sit on?Its tricera-bottom! Why did the  tyrannosaur  cross the road?Because chickens hadnt evolved yet.Because it was chasing a chicken.Because it was being chased by a chicken. What’s the best way to talk to a  velociraptor?Long distance! How do you ask a tyrannosaur out to lunch?Tea, Rex? What was 30 feet long, had a two-foot-long beak, and left crumbs all over the mattress?Pretzelcoatlus! Dad:  Why are you crying?Son:  Because I wanted to get a dinosaur for my baby sister.Dad:  Thats no reason to cry.Son:  Yes, it is. No one would trade me! How do you know theres a seismosaurus under your bed?Because your nose is two inches from the ceiling! What’s better than a talking vulcanodon?A spelling bee! Whats worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?A tyrannosaur  with a giraffe in its throat! What do you call a gigantoraptor that wont stop talking?A dino-bore! Why cant you hear a pterosaur using the bathroom?Because the p is silent! How can you tell theres an allosaurus in your bed?By the bright red A on its pajamas. Person 1:  I keep seeing  pteranodons  with orange polka dots.Person 2: Have you seen an eye doctor yet?Person 1:  No, just pteranodons with orange polka dots! How can you tell theres a stegosaurus in your refrigerator?The door wont close! What family does shantungosaurus belong to?I dont know. I dont think any family in our neighborhood owns one! What has a prominent head crest, a duck-like bill, and 16 wheels?A Maiasaura on roller skates! Why did carnivorous dinosaurs eat raw meat?Because they didnt know how to barbecue! What has sharp fangs and sticks to the roof of your mouth?A peanut butter and jeholopterus sandwich. Child 1:  Hey, who stepped on your foot?Child 2:  Well, did you see that  gorgosaurus  over there?Child 1:  Yes.Child 2:  Well, I didnt! What do you call a terrible, horrible, unpleasant dinosaur?A thesaurus. What is a dinosaurs least favorite reindeer?Comet! Why dont dinosaurs ever forget?Because they never knew anything in the first place! What happened when the brachiosaurus took the train home?He had to bring it back! Whats purple and green and wont stop singing?Barney taking a shower! What do you say to a 10-ton Albertosaurus wearing earphones?Whatever you want. He cant hear you! Child 1:  I lost my pet  iguanodon!Child 2:  Why dont you put an ad in the paper?Child 1:  What good would that do? He cant read! What did dinosaurs use to make their hot dogs?Jurassic pork! Can you name 10 dinosaurs in 10 seconds?Yes, one gorgosaurus and nine velociraptors! What dinosaur could jump higher than a house?All of them. Houses cant jump! What should you do if you find a blue dilophosaurus?Try to cheer him up!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analyzing the Literary Features of “The Lottery” Essay Example for Free

Analyzing the Literary Features of â€Å"The Lottery† Essay In the story of Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery†, many literary devices are used to convey messages, give clues and give the reader a better understanding on the story overall. Within the story, literary devices such as allegory, symbolism, and satire are used, which are for the moral that Jackson is trying to send to readers. Other devices used are foreshadowing, imagery and irony. Jackson uses imagery to give a good visualization of the setting. Foreshadowing helps give a clue as to what to happen next in the story, and Jackson uses irony for surprise effect to shock the reader in the end of the story. At the beginning of â€Å"The Lottery†, it opens with â€Å"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. † This description Jackson gave is a clear example of imagery as she uses phrases such as: â€Å"richly green† â€Å"blossoming profusely† and â€Å"fresh warmth†. After reading this, the reader gets a sense of pleasantness in the story. Furthermore, Jackson writes â€Å"The lottery was conducted–as were the square dances, the teen club, and the Halloween program–by Mr. Summers†. This excerpt meant the lottery is traditional, and is followed by other fun activities such as square dances, the teen club and the Halloween program. From knowing the ending, this is an example of irony because the lottery is thought to be a fun opportune activity, but in the end it is found that the winner receives the prize of death. On forward, the lottery is introduced with the arrival of Mr. Summers and his black box he brings for the drawing. In the story, Jackson states â€Å"The black box grew shabbier each year: by now it was no longer completely black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained†. The literary devices of symbolism and foreshadow are used here because the box color â€Å"black† is a symbol of death. With the box being in bad shape being faded and splintered badly, this adds to the symbol of death as fading means disappearing and wood splintering is signs of the wood’s breakdown. The names of these characters are also a form of symbolism and foreshadowing. Two characters, Mr. Graves and Mrs. Delacroix have names with deeper meaning. In the name â€Å"Graves†, grave means death as well, and within â€Å"Delacroix†, Croix is the French word for cross, which in the story of the bible, Jesus was sacrificed upon a cross and both are a form of Jackson’s symbolism to give a message. These objects of symbolism give off the literary device of foreshadow as the symbol of death means something bad may happen later within the story. Analyzing the Literary Features of â€Å"The Lottery†. (2016, Sep 13).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analyse the political and economic changes in the Franco Regime Essay

Analyse the political and economic changes in the Franco Regime between 1939 and 1975 - Essay Example While so much of the world changed during these 40 years, fascist Spain remained effectively a backwater with little progress or growth to speak of. However, the process by which Franco secured political and economic control over the country, and the process by which he lost it (and which saw the return of constitutional monarchy in Spain) is a very interesting one, and the subject of this essay. By 1936, Franco had successfully gained power over Spain, decimating his Communist opponents and leaving as many as half a million of his countrymen dead. The battle between the Fascists and Communists had not been one of arms alone—both sides had unshakeable ideological beliefs that wrought terrible destruction across the countryside. Communists attacked churches and clergymen, disrupting the traditional ways of life, while the Fascists attacked workers and members of unions they suspected of having Communist sympathies. Although Franco had won a victory, Spain was still terribly split between both sides. The violence had opened an almost irreparable wound. A statesmen would have seen this and in the best interests of his country tried to heal the divide between these two sides. But Franco had a much more brutal vision for his country—one where he dominated the cultural, economic, and political life of Spain completely. What followed Franco’s victory was a long period of score-settling, one that would permanently mark the Spanish psyche. The war would continue by other means. As Grugel writes in Franco’s Spain, [F]ar from relaxing with the end of the war, repression of opponents both intensified and became even more institutionalized. With all of Spain now controlled by Nationalist forces, the number of potential victims expanded enormously. Even if the Francoist authorities had wished to contain the post-war terror, it is doubtful whether their supporter could have been restrained from settling old social and political scores.1 Although some call Franco a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Whether we should depend on renewable energy instead of fossil fuels Thesis

Whether we should depend on renewable energy instead of fossil fuels - Thesis Example In many respects, renewable energy is more beneficial, and this is why in the nearest future people should use it as the main source of energy instead of fossil fuels. First of all, renewable energy is not as harmful for the ecology as fossil fuels. As a result of human activities, the atmosphere of the planet is overloaded with carbon dioxide and other emissions which added all together cause the greenhouse effect that result in the rise of the average temperature of the atmosphere, also referred to as global warming. For example, in the United States, In accordance with the data presented on the official website of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, â€Å"over 70% of electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas†. In total, electricity production in the country accounts for about one third of harmful emissions, among which 25 percent are emitted by coal-fired power plants and 6 percent – by natural gas-fired power plants (United States Environmental Protection Agency). At the same time, when it comes to the use of renewable energy, greenhouse gases emissions are minimal. What is more, the U. S. De partment of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory have introduced a milestone study, in accordance to it would be possible to reduce greenhouse gases emissions by 81 percent if at least 80 percent of electricity in the country were produced using renewable sources of energy. Second of all, renewable sources, such as wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, hydrogen, biofuel etc., are vast and inexhaustible. All these mentioned sources have a great technical potential to meet the needs of electricity of the entire world. For example, by 2040, solar power industry could provide 26 percent of people’s needs for electricity (McLamb). Fossil fuels, in their turn, are not unlimited at all. Accordingly with the latest

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Stop gambling Essay Example for Free

Stop gambling Essay Today, I’m going to talk about gambling. Nowadays, gambling becomes a entertainment in our life. Some people go there just for fun, but most people go there for money, they think they can make money by gambling. As we known, only very few people can make money from gambling, the winner always not belong to gamblers, so the problem comes out. Most people with gambling problems say they lost control over how much time and money they spend on gambling. Meanwhile, they ignored other responsibilities. They knew they had problems, but only gambling seemed important. Many people who gamble overly have mixed feelings about gambling. They know they are causing problems for the people they love. They may become anxious and unhappy, and often hate themselves. They feel they can’t give up on all the time, money and emotion they have put into gambling. They can’t accept that they will never win the money back what they have lost. Some people still believe their system will pay off, their luck will change or they are due to win. Others believe continue to gamble is the only way to get the money back. Eventually they will lose their money, family, even life. Also, it will make some serious consequences, like suicide, crime, and destructive behaviors. Other people promise to quit, but it is not easy. If they quit now, they will feel like a loser. They will have to face all the problems that gambling has caused. But, only to stop gambling can help them to start a new life. So here are some solutions to help people to quit the gambling. 1 Make a decision on a given day when you wake up that you will not gamble. Decide that for this one day you will not gamble. If you have to do it an hour at a time, it is okay. Sometimes you may have to do it in a minute at a time. it is okay, as you promise yourself in a given moment that you will not gamble. Schedule your day in a very structured way so you do not have a lot of free time. This can really help a lot, as you will have no time to gamble. 2. Find something at that time to replace your gambling. One of the way to quit gambling is to be able to find healthy replacements that will substitute for your gambling activities. Exercise, go shopping, go out with friends, or do some cooking. You can also watch a movie, or listen to some soft music or do some reading and so on. Anything, and I mean anything not go back to gamble. Your goal is to stop gambling, or begin to reduce gambling frequency. 3. Remember the feeling when you leave the casino or lost a lot of money on a bet. Think about how bad it feels when you lose a lot of money. Remember that feeling, and allow yourself to feel that feeling when you are gambling again. Sometimes these feelings can exactly imitate how you feel after a gambling. This can really stop you from going out and placing a bet. So my conclusion is gambling as a entertainment is ok for people, but if you addict to it, eventually you will get hurt. So before gambling, please ask yourself, how you going to be responsible of yourself, your family, and your future.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Gender and Society :: essays research papers

Gender is one of the universal dimensions on which status differences are based. Gender is a social construct specifying the socially and culturally prescribed roles that men and women are to follow. Men have subordinated women. All other discriminations are insipid by construct. Why does society segregate the workforce by gender? Women have been single out against in the workforce as minorities, not as women, because they are relatively powerless. Men see women as less profitable. Society stereotype that women are less capable, less productive, and less dedicated to their employers. Women therefore are assigned jobs that are more mind numbing and are paid less. Women are place in the underpaid and underutilized pool of marginal labor works. Women have always had a lower status than men have, but the extent of the gap between genders varies across cultures and time. American women in 1999 earned approximately 77% of what men made, in 2000, according to the Department of Labor. Societies do not consistently define most tasks as either feminine or masculine. With industrialization the importance of muscle power is declining, thus leaving more options and gender differences to further condensed (Nolan & Lenski, 1999). Women do confront barriers in the marketplace, and in some industries, marginal pools of labor are profitable. Gender stratification is unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women. Women were denied the right to vote because many believe that women lacked sufficient intelligence and political interest. (1848) Most people in 1925, doubted that the best women runners could ever finish a marathon anywhere near the time men could. Only ten minutes separate the current world marathon records for women (set in 2003) and for men (set in 2002). This shows most differences between men and women or gender turn out to be socially created. Even the military has an issue with gender. At the outset of World War II, 1940, only two percent of armed forces personnel were women. The War in Iraq by 2003, women represented seven percent of all deployed U.S. troops. Out of that seven percent eight were casualties leaving 452 male casualties. The Coast Guard is the only branch that all assignments are open to women, whereas, the Marines denies women access to two-thirds of their jobs.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internet Gaming Addiction Essay

â€Å"So, how was your weekend? † one worker asks another. â€Å"It was amazing,† the other responds, â€Å"My girlfriend and I found a spot on the top of a small hill and talked as we watched the sun set. Then we went to a bar and watched a local entertainer, we had a couple of drinks and spent the night meeting all sorts of interesting people. † â€Å"That sounds nice,† the first worker replies, â€Å"Which bar did you go to? † â€Å"It was a cantina on the planet Corellia. The entertainer was really helpful. We then took my new star-cruiser to join with a group of people who were off to fight the Rancor. That took a really long time, and we had to return to the cantina in shifts in order to use the entertainer to heal, but we finally took the monster down. I got quite a bit of experience for that one. (This is such a great shocker, illustrating the difference between real life and a game and the way the two blur in many people’s minds! ) Man what a busy weekend. That was only part of the first night,† the second worker explains. He is visibly excited, and continues to explain more events in detail, all of which of the game. â€Å"Wait a minute,† the first worker interrupts, â€Å"You mean that you watched the sunset with your girlfriend in a game? † â€Å"Of course,† responds the second, â€Å"She is a Rodian bounty hunter from the planet Tatooine . I think she lives in Brazil in real life. Anyway†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He resumes his story where he was prior to the interruption, detailing the events of his entire weekend. The majority of his weekend it seems has been spent playing a popular on-line computer game based on the Star Wars universe. The exchange above is a small illustration of a steadily growing population of people whose social experiences and interactions take place almost exclusively on the internet, inside virtual game worlds. The widespread availability and use of the internet has allowed people access to communication with anyone else on the planet. As with any other powerful tool however, its use is prone to abuse. Numerous studies have been performed on the addictive nature of the internet and some of its uses and applications. â€Å"Surfing† on the internet, chat rooms and messaging services, and Multi User Domains all have documented cases of addiction that display many of the negative aspects associated with substance abuse, minus chemical dependency. (This shows great use of fact to cement your point of view, rather than quoting widespread opinion. ) Video games like the ones mentioned above, commonly referred to as MMORPG’s or Massive Multi-player On-line Role Playing Games, are hugely popular and are one of the newest forms of on-line interaction prone to habitual use. (Good statement, but maybe a good place for a new paragraph to help follow along? ) What was once thought of as a harmless past-time may be more dangerous than many realize. (Good use of shocking language. ) The reasons behind the addictive behavior these kinds of games can induce lie in the rewarding social experiences and sense of accomplishment offered to otherwise introverted people, a sense of anonymity or alternate identity that serves to boost self esteem, and they seem to offer escape from the often depressing everyday life the addicted individuals feel they are trapped inside. (This is a good statement, but how do you know? Is this opinion, or something that’s been quoted? ) Multi User Domains, commonly referred to as MUD’s, are text based fantasy realms that play like an interactive novel and are populated by user created characters. As these characters, players complete quests, fight â€Å"monsters†, and collect weapons and items in order to become wealthier and stronger. With the advent of 3D graphics and larger servers, this type of medium expanded and improved, providing a much richer environment and the ability to support many more users at one time. These games came to be called MMORPG’s and have become exceedingly popular because they offer much more variety and detail, offering the same level of open ended game play that evolves as much as the characters the players create. For example World of Warcraft, a hugely popular MMORPG, just gained its 10 millionth subscriber as of 2008. This is roughly half of the population of Australia. These games run continuously and are accessible by people from all over the world, making them change and grow all the time. This, along with the experience accrual and monetary system keeps players playing longer and more frequently, as they are constantly being rewarded for their dedication. Peer pressure from other players may also play a role in increased playing time, as the forming of groups is often encouraged and sometimes necessary to accomplish the more advanced goals. These types of games have a much higher rate of addiction and abuse than do video games that are not of the dynamic multi-player variety. In a study performed by Peter Wiemer-Hastings, PhD, and Brian D. Ng, M. S. published in the CyberPsychology and Behavior journal, they found that the majority of the players of non-MMORPG played an average of 1-6 hours per week. The majority of the players of MMORPG are on the other hand played on an average of 11-40 hours per week, and 11% of those studied played 40 hours or more per week. The players of MMORPG’s also had tendencies of playing for long stretches, up to 8 hours at a time, and had reported losing sleep because of their playing habits. The study also asked a series of questions regarding the social behaviors of the two distinct groups of players. The answers indicated that â€Å"MMORPG users would rather spend time in the game than with friends, have more fun with in-game friends than people they know, found it easier to converse with people while in-game, did not find social relationships as important, and felt happier when in the game than anywhere else. † (Wiemer-Hastings and Ng) Playing habits with this level of dedication, especially when approaching the 40 hour dedication level, is almost certain to have negative impacts on the person’s personal life. Playing games this frequently is akin to working a full time job. This leaves little time for other activities or social interactions, especially when the dedicated player has an actual full time job or is a full time student. This can lead to an increasingly fractured personal social life and many who are introverted or less confident may begin to seek the entirety of their social outlets in a virtual world. These types of introverted people often find the anonymity and alternate identity appealing, as it offers them an escape. It gives them the ability to be anyone they wish for the time that they are playing, often times consuming much of the players’ real lives. Another popular game that shares many common themes and ideas with the MMORPG type of games, Second Life, is a 3D virtual world populated by players who create alternate identities to socialize with online. The player creates the way he or she would like to appear in the game, can purchase land and houses for their character to reside, and are free to do in the game world as they wish. Characters can shop and socialize as they would in the real world, all safely behind an alternate identity. Mediums such as these may be useful, as many institutions have begun experimenting with using them in group sessions and for distance instruction, as it can prove to be a more personal means of communication than traditional distance learning techniques. However, people who may struggle with traditional social interaction or who have a low self esteem may begin to find this type of interaction to be a complete substitute. This can lead to habitual and addictive use which may lead to the same problems in the individual’s everyday life that are often seen with the addiction to the MMORPG’s. (What problems, specifically? Do marriages end? Are jobs lost? This sounds a little vague and leaves me feeling like the argument is a little shaky. ) Many who have become to be dependent on their on-line social life may begin to lie to loved or become defensive about their frequency of use. One study indicated that marriage and dating relationships were effected the greatest when addictive computer game usage is present. â€Å"Dependents neglected their spouses in place of rendezvous with electronic lovers, leaving no quality time for their marriages. Finally, Dependents continued to emotionally and socially withdraw from their marriages, exerting more effort to maintain recently discovered on-line relationships. † (Young) The study also found that â€Å"Despite the negative consequences reported among Dependents, 54% had no desire to cut down the amount of time they spent on-line. † (Young) This lack of a desire to change this habitual behavior serves to illustrate the level of dedication and addiction possible in the use of these avenues of entertainment. As the addiction begins to involve larger portions of an individual’s life, damaging their professional and romantic relationships, often times depression can result. This brings us to the third possible cause for gaming addiction, escapism. The nature of these types of games present the player with the ability to play a character as close to or as far away from their own personality type and gender as they choose. They are given the ability to reinvent themselves entirely, to live out their every fantasy. As the players progress through the game, accomplishing quests and gaining experience points, they are receiving a sense of accomplishment. Individuals who have trouble approaching the opposite sex in their real lives can do so with the confidence that anonymity gives them. It may also give individuals who are depressed a reprieve from what they dislike about their lives. The more time the player spends in the game, the more this behavior is reinforced. As the playing time increases, the issues in their daily lives worsen until most of the players waking hours are spent hiding in the virtual world. As previously mentioned, these MMORPG style games excel at creating a believable and enjoyable fantasy world. There are games that cater many different genres and the developers have gone to great lengths to ensure that all personality types and playing styles have options to keep gamers enticed. The incremental increases to stature and abilities within the game serve to keep interest level high. The developers are continuously developing more quests and new game areas to explore, ensuring that the players will always have more to come back to. What was once seen as a harmless past-time may become the next focus of support group therapy. Review This is an excellent and well thought out argument pointing out the fact that online gaming has begun to steadily replace reality for many people. The author supports most of their arguments with facts gleaned from studies, and there is little to no feeling of personal preference here. The only areas where the information seems to draw from personal experience rather than supported fact are the reasons and the potential results behind large quantities of gaming. Otherwise, this argument is very well written and well supported. Works Cited Wiemer-Hastings, Peter and Brian D. Ng. â€Å"Addiction to the Internet and Online Gaming. † CyberPsychology and Behavior 8. 2 (2005): 110-113. Young, Kimberly S. â€Å"Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a New Clinical Disorder. † CyberPsychology and Behavior 1. 3 (1996): 237-244.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Management Information Systems Case Study

1) Problems with upgrades from Quick books to new accounting software package? How could they have avoided? These problems could have been avoided if when they made the initial decision for replacement of QuickBooks, they should have advised with a finance person before the change and or never made the change in the first place. Quick books was user friendly for the staff, and the newly implemented accounting system was more sophisticated and complicated accounting system than what everyone was used to. Nobody knew how to extract financial or operational data to make critical business decisions. Problems developing reusable reports were also a problem, this became too time consuming. 2) Why did SAP’s Business One prove to be a better choice for Wolf Peak than the new accounting software? Give Examples. SAP was designed specifically for Wolf Peak’s Business, and offered affordable promises and provided rapid return on investments, provided accurate up to the minute view of the business. SAP was a simple environment therefore the employees learned SAP Business One quickly and used it effectively. SAP’s Journey team came to the business to implement and demonstrate how the system worked. The benefits far outweighed the initial costs of original accounting software that was purchased after QuickBooks. XL Reporter is a program that comes with SAP Business One that lets the company builds custom reports that proved extremely helpful. Wolf Peak is now expanding SAP into the warehouse for inventory and management as well as CRM Customer Relationship Management. Overall SAP Business One is fulfilling and assisting all aspects of Wolf Peak’s bus iness. 3) Should most SME’s use an integrated business software suite like Sap Business One instead of specialized accounting and other business software packages? Why or Why not? Reports that used to take months to create can now be created quickly by Business One. Business one creates an environment where the decision makers can get the information they want on a timely basis in a format they understand and can actually use. This program delivers useful information to make good solid business decisions for success. I believe that no individual brand or software is the superior. It is obvious that SAP Business One was a perfect match for Wolf Peak, but in the end, whatever works and proves success for the company’s employees and bottom line is the exact software match for the company. Overall it seems that an easy learning curve and information extraction is best for businesses. Management Information Systems Case Study 1) Problems with upgrades from Quick books to new accounting software package? How could they have avoided? These problems could have been avoided if when they made the initial decision for replacement of QuickBooks, they should have advised with a finance person before the change and or never made the change in the first place. Quick books was user friendly for the staff, and the newly implemented accounting system was more sophisticated and complicated accounting system than what everyone was used to. Nobody knew how to extract financial or operational data to make critical business decisions. Problems developing reusable reports were also a problem, this became too time consuming. 2) Why did SAP’s Business One prove to be a better choice for Wolf Peak than the new accounting software? Give Examples. SAP was designed specifically for Wolf Peak’s Business, and offered affordable promises and provided rapid return on investments, provided accurate up to the minute view of the business. SAP was a simple environment therefore the employees learned SAP Business One quickly and used it effectively. SAP’s Journey team came to the business to implement and demonstrate how the system worked. The benefits far outweighed the initial costs of original accounting software that was purchased after QuickBooks. XL Reporter is a program that comes with SAP Business One that lets the company builds custom reports that proved extremely helpful. Wolf Peak is now expanding SAP into the warehouse for inventory and management as well as CRM Customer Relationship Management. Overall SAP Business One is fulfilling and assisting all aspects of Wolf Peak’s bus iness. 3) Should most SME’s use an integrated business software suite like Sap Business One instead of specialized accounting and other business software packages? Why or Why not? Reports that used to take months to create can now be created quickly by Business One. Business one creates an environment where the decision makers can get the information they want on a timely basis in a format they understand and can actually use. This program delivers useful information to make good solid business decisions for success. I believe that no individual brand or software is the superior. It is obvious that SAP Business One was a perfect match for Wolf Peak, but in the end, whatever works and proves success for the company’s employees and bottom line is the exact software match for the company. Overall it seems that an easy learning curve and information extraction is best for businesses.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Taking the SAT, ACT or SAT Subject Test Consider These Study Tips

Taking the SAT, ACT or SAT Subject Test Consider These Study Tips Tips for Preparing for the SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Test Tips for Preparing for the SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Test Ways to Improve Your Exam Performance Getting ready to apply to college? If you have top-tier schools on your list, getting a high score on the SAT or ACT is a must. It is not enough to believe you already know the information; you are strongly advised to prepare thoroughly as opposed to simply winging it. This article provides you with some tried-and-true advice that can make taking either exam a whole lot easier. First, it might be useful to think about the SAT or ACT in the same way that you would think about a game. If you are able to come up with a winning strategy, you can learn how to master either exam. Here is your game plan as you are prepping for either or both tests. Take Practice Exams Based on the Actual Conditions that You will Face Students who score high on the ACT and SAT always go into the exam knowing exactly what to expect. This starts by taking practice exams on a regular basis. We do not mean just casually trying to answer questions when you want. We are talking about simulating the actual environment that you will encounter when you take the real deal. This means allotting the same amount of time for each section as you will on the actual test, taking the same 5 and 10 minute breaks that will be permitted, no listening to music or talking on the phone, or otherwise engaging in activities that would be forbidden when youre in the test center. There are plenty of websites that offer free full practice exams and you can also buy official study guides or those equally effective ones made by The Princeton Review. Identify the Easy and Difficult Questions When tackling the math questions on either the SAT or ACT, keep in mind that the easiest questions are at the beginning of the section and then they increase in terms of difficulty. If you are stumped on any question, skip it for the time being and go back once you have finished answering the questions you know. The questions are all weighed the same on both tests, so it is not to your advantage if you focus on the difficult ones at the expense of the ones you find easier. Note that the SAT and ACT diverge in one very significant way: you will actually be penalized for getting answers wrong on the SAT where as you are not on the ACT. For this reason, you have nothing to lose by filling in all the answers on the ACT even if you have to just guess. On the SAT, in the unlikely event that you cannot eliminate even a single answer choice, you are better off leaving it blank. But if you can reduce it down to a couple of choices, you should take a guess. Time Management Is Important The amount of time to answer the questions is limited, so make sure to make the most of your time. During the course of prepping for the exams, you should have already familiarized yourself with the rules. This means there is no reason to read them again while taking the real test. You should also be able to estimate how long it takes you to answer the questions based on evaluating your test question results. While it has already been mentioned, we want to stress again that if you cannot make a decision about a certain question, you should move on to the next one. Why waste 5 minutes on one question when that time could have been spent correctly answering 3 other questions? Read the Questions Carefully Misunderstanding the meaning of a question can have a big impact on the results. In particular, the folks who design the test will often intentionally writing a question in such a way that a misinterpretation can lead to the incorrect answer. You could also find that a couple of answer options both seem reasonable if understood in different context. For this reason, you would really want to make sure that you understand exactly what is being asked. While you certainly do not want to take your sweet time, you also should not overly rush things. Practice Makes Perfect This expression is probably overused, but it is nonetheless very applicable. As you are organizing your study schedule, devote each day to a different section of the exam. Take the time to identify your strengths and weaknesses. While you would still benefit from answering questions from sections that you are clearly good at since you will want to keep your skills sharp, you should devote more time to improving upon your weak points for the sake of time efficiency. In addition, as you are answering practice questions, do not just examine the incorrect answers, you should also see what you did right. When the answer is correct, determine whether it was just an educated guess or based on a clear understanding of the information. As you assess your incorrect answers, determine the reasons for it as well. Are you simply misunderstanding the questions? Are you rushing through the test? Do you need to brush up on your math or vocabulary skills? You are never going to improve your practice exam results merely by taking them over and over again, you need to know what went wrong and how to improve it. If You Are Unhappy with the Results, Take the Test Again If you get an awesome score the first time you take the SAT or ACT, that is one less thing to worry about as you work on the application process. But if you did not do as well as you had hoped, you really have nothing to lose by taking it again. In fact, if you manage to do better the second time around, admissions committees have been known to take that into account when deciding whether to invite you. With the SAT, if you retake the test a few times, some colleges will actually combine your best section scores from multiple tests. However, regarding the ACT, schools will just take your best score and disregard the others.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Land law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Land law - Essay Example If the court issues an order to seize the property of the debtor after the judgment, it is called writ of execution. It must be noted that attachment is a prejudgment remedy either at the time of a lawsuit or immediately after it is filed. However, the final decision is taken by the court. The United Kingdom does not have unique or singular law regarding bankruptcy. England and Wales follow same system whereas Northern Ireland and Scotland have another system of their own. If the given scenario is related to Scotland or Northern Ireland, and if the property is the home owned by Bill, then the section 40 of the 1985 Act will be applicable to the case. Instead, if the system of Wales and Ireland is applicable to the context, Alan will have to rely on the Part IX of the Insolvency Act 1986. At this juncture (as the jurisdiction is not specified) the system of Northern Ireland and Scotland is taken for case analysis. The section 40 of the 1985 Act protects the interests of the debtorâ₠¬â„¢s (here Bill) family and prevents the creditor (here Alan) from selling the debtor’s ‘family home’ without either ‘relevant consent’ or a court order. ... esent or former spouse or civil partner without the debtor, or by the debtor without a spouse or civil partner but with a child of the family† (Insolvency - personal and corporate, n.d.). Hence, if Bill’s property is the family home, Alan needs to comply with the section 40. This section clearly states how the consent can be obtained for the proceeding of the sequestration of a family home. Referring to section 40, if Bill’s spouse, civil partner, or former spouse or civil partner lives in the home (with or without the debtor), it is necessary to obtain the consent of the spouse of civil partner to proceed with the sequestration (Insolvency - personal and corporate). If the debtor lives in the home with a child but without a spouse or civil partner, then the ‘relevant consent’ can be obtained from the debtor. If the ‘relevant consent’ is not obtained from the parties concerned, Alan has to obtain a court order to attach the property of Bi ll (ibid). In this case, it is advisable for Alan to obtain a court order because other options may not be so sensible. B. the property is a tenanted office block Under this case, attachment of property will be a difficult task if the agreement between Bill and the tenant was formed before the agreement made between Alan and Bill. It is the duty of the creditor to make certain that the security offered for the borrowing is free from any liability arising out of issues like tenancy. Hence, if Bill’s office block was tenanted at the time of the agreement between Alan and Bill, Alan cannot attach the property of Bill unless the tenant is willing to vacate the office block. On the other hand, if Bill’s office block was tenanted after the agreement between Bill and Alan was made, Alan may get a court order for the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Building survey report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Building survey report - Essay Example This building survey and report has been prepared on behalf of the IKON Gallery paying every attention to the requirements and includes terms of engagement. It is a general report that has been done covering the external conditions of the IKON Gallery. The objective of this report is to provide a general survey of the condition of the IKON Gallery specifically on its exterior components and this will enable the client to make preparations on how they will maintain these exterior components in future. During the preparation of this report, there was no removal of structures so that there could be a detailed examination of the structure, there were no specialists that were employed but necessary recommendations were provided, and all the services that will be offered by the gallery were examined to satisfaction. Survey was based on what could be observed from ground level, ladders and from roofs where accessible. This restricted the survey to external features of the IKON Gallery. Located in the heart of Birmingham’s Brindley site development, Ikon Gallery is currently an internationally celebrated modern art venue offering a full range of services and facilities to both the nearby community and broader world. The building was constructed in 1877, and its designers were Martin and Chamberlain, who were Birmingham’s premier Victorian architects. The building was previously a school then converted into the new home for the IKON Gallery, which was put as an essential part of the Brindley Place Master plan, and was later opened to be used by the public in 1998. Through this building report, the client will be able to know the recommendations that have been made concerning the external conditions of the IKON Gallery and the cost of the repairs that will have to be expected to be used. The client will be aware of the financial condition that they will need to maintain the building. The survey